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Dragon Violin- Added Color

N003_1 Dragon Violin Adding Color

The next step in the Dragon Violin is the color. This is a time consuming, yet relaxing process of slowly rubbing layer after layer of several colors over top of the base layer (shellac). Here's the side and the back. By applying the colors with many thin layers, I was able to create a sunburst effect on the backside.

Here's the front. Also, by building up the color slowly, I built-in some shading over top of the pyrography. I added some blue wash to some of the dragon spots, but I was cautious not to make them too bold because I wanted to maintain a classic feel to the violin finish. Since this is oil based, it can take up to a week to completely dry before adding the protective layer. My choice for the topcoat will be a french polish. Once the French polish is cured, I'll add the fingerboard, shape the bridge, add the sound post, the hardware, and the strings. I can't wait to hear its first notes.

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Wednesday, 19 February 2025


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