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Carriage House Woodshop Blog

Visit Our Booth At The Jewish Cultural Festival!

The Carriage House is in full swing as we gear up for Dayton's annual Jewish Cultural Festival. Each item in our booth is a beautiful hand-crafted work of art. This year, visit the Carriage House Wood Shop booth to find hand-crafted wooden Judaica, including necklaces, menorahs, mezuzahs, bowls, groggers, seder plates, instruments, and more! Temple...

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  629 Hits

Slit Drum

It's been a long time on my mind to build a slit drum, and the opportunity finally came. As if making a slit drum wasn't hard enough, I chose to create a 12 note chorded slit drum. Because tuning is the most time-consuming part of this process, twelve "tongues" took a while to do. After much hand carving and chasing notes, I eventually came up with...

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  1602 Hits

Wood Turning Cup holders

I have been busy in the woodshop and wanted to take some time to keep the blog updated. A friend commissioned me to create a pair of custom cup holders for a client who cares for someone who has cerebral palsy. She has a favorite cup that uses. The lid has a hole for straws to help her to drink. The problem is that the cups are not s...

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  4349 Hits

Believe And Achieve

 "Believe you can, and you're halfway there." By Theodore Rosevelt. In other words; The most major step in all projects is the first one, believing it is possible. Everyone has had this experience before. Whether it was to decide if you should make a peanut butter sandwich or whether or not, you should initiate a crazy project. We have all had...

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  1394 Hits

Voice of the Dragon Violin - The Finished Instrument

After a couple of months of work, the Dragon Violin can now begin its journey of being a violin. Over time and after many hours of playing this "green" violin, a more mature and refined voice will emerge. It was once told to me that after building a wood instrument, especially a violin, the wood that was once a tree must now learn to be a musical i...

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  1788 Hits

The Bridge


The last step before stringing the violin is the bridge. Much time went into the shaping and sizing of this bridge. The bridge determines much of the sound transfer from the strings to the soundboard, so it is essential to get it right. It also determines the string spacing and height. After carving the bridge to the perfect shape, I laid a piece o...

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  1339 Hits

Getting Closer...


The colour has finished drying, and a final coat was applied. I painted the f-holes and the pegbox black. I cut the slot for the second nut (saddle nut), the fingerboard, and also the main nut. I reamed the peg holes to the proper angle and also the peg hole at the base. I am getting closer.Next, I'll be shaping the nut and filing the grooves for t...

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  1426 Hits

Tenor Ukulele Update

Tenor Ukulele Update

While waiting for the violin to dry, I thought it would be a good idea to keep all the many other projects moving, including the tenor ukulele project. I quickly realized that it had been a while since I have posted any updates with this one, so here it is. I've recently added the neck, fretboard, and binding. Currently, I'm working on filling the ...

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  1379 Hits

New Necklace Design


  We are currently in the process of adding to our necklaces! Recently we have designed four more different shapes, including a diamond shape and the Star of David. A thicker string will be added as well, along with a ring to loop it through. We also intend to add few decorative beads to some of our necklaces. We put so much effort into e...

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  1464 Hits

Dragon Violin- Added Color

N003_1 Dragon Violin Adding Color

The next step in the Dragon Violin is the color. This is a time consuming, yet relaxing process of slowly rubbing layer after layer of several colors over top of the base layer (shellac). Here's the side and the back. By applying the colors with many thin layers, I was able to create a sunburst effect on the backside. Here's the front. Al...

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  1820 Hits

New Jewelry Addition

N001_1 Faith Necklace

The Carriage House Woodshop has been busy these days. I'm looking forward to adding more inventory to the website soon, including Chanukah menorahs, groggers, bowls, and mezuzahs that are all in the works. As for now, I'm proud to announce the addition of jewelry to the Carriage House website. My ambitious daughter has been working hard with her fr...

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  1412 Hits

Welcome to The Carriage House Woodshop Blog

Welcome! I'm so glad you found this small gem in the vast expanses of the internet. Welcome to my blog! I'm Ryan Johnson, a believer in Jesus the Messiah, a husband, a father, and a passionate artist who loves to make beautiful and useful items from wood. Many of the things you'll find in the woodshop are original designs and one-of-a-kind pie...

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  1168 Hits


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